The cost of living is rising, and everyone is trying to find smart ways to save money on their monthly bills. There are plenty of ways to go about this, but one great way is to lower your water bill. After all, you use water every day, and you might not know just how much it costs you when you aren’t vigilant about it.
We’ve compiled six of the top tips we’ve found to help you use less water, and as a result, lower your water bill so that you can put that money toward the things that matter most!
Take Shorter Showers
Consider how often you shower and for how long. The shower is one place where your money is likely to go down the drain – literally – very quickly, but shower length is also something that can be easily remedied.
While exact numbers depend on the showerhead and plumbing, most American showers use over two gallons of water per minute. Even if you cut just one minute from your shower each day, you’ll save 60 gallons of water a month!
We’re not saying to go days without showering (please don’t!); just be mindful of how long you spend in there. You may enjoy your long, hot showers, but they’re not doing you any favors when your water bill comes around.
Do Larger Laundry Loads
Another primary water-using appliance in your home is your washing machine. Most people just throw their dirty clothes in there whenever they feel like it’s time and don’t think twice about it. However, that isn’t the best way to tackle the laundry.
You should do your best to fill up the washing machine to its maximum capacity every time you do your laundry. Regardless of whether there is one sock in there or a whole load, the machine will use the same amount of water per setting. So, get the most out of each load by filling the machine to the maximum safe amount!
Speaking of settings, if your washing machine has a variety of settings to choose from, you should use the appropriate one for the amount and type of laundry you’re doing. These machines are optimized for these settings, and taking advantage of them can also be a solid way of reducing your water usage and bills.
Use the Dishwasher Wisely
While a washing machine and a dishwasher are meant for completely different things, the previous advice holds true for dishwashers too! All too often, people run the dishwasher without it being at full capacity and waste water when they don’t need to. Of course, you don’t want to overfill your dishwasher, but don’t be afraid to wait a day or have one more meal before running it to ensure you get the maximum value and most efficient water usage.
Be More Careful When Watering Your Garden
You put a lot of time, love, and attention into your yard and garden, and you want it to look great. We understand that and want you to enjoy your outdoor space! However, if you are an avid gardener, we do recommend that you pay more attention to how often you water your plants and how much water you use. Without even knowing it, you might be throwing money away by overwatering your garden. Do your due diligence to give your plants the water they need and make sure not to water areas that don’t need it.
Repair Leaks Around Your House
Do you know if you have leaky faucets or pipes around your house? While any given leak might seem small, if it’s leaking every day, it’s going to cost you. That’s why hiring a trusted, qualified plumber to repair your leaks is a fantastic way to reduce your monthly water bills! Sure, there is an upfront cost, but you’ll see improvements in your monthly water bills right away and feel the savings over time. Plus, you’ll be doing your part to help the environment and ensure your home doesn’t suffer from any long-term problems leaks could cause.
Install Efficient Fixtures
If you compare the water efficiency of old showerheads, washing machines, and dishwashers to that of new ones, you’ll see a remarkable difference. Outdated products simply cost you more to run because they use more water than a more advanced, well-optimized machine or fixture would every single time. Even better, on top of being more water-efficient, newer fixtures are more energy-efficient and convenient, and they generally work better to make your life easier.
Need Help to Save on Your Water Bills? Call Joe the Plumber!
As you can see, there are plenty of things that you can do to lower your monthly water bills! If you’re considering taking action but need a professional to assist with your leaky pipes or the installation of a new fixture, trust Joe the Plumber for quick, affordable service. We’re here to help Cypress, Katy, Spring, Magnolia, Tomball, and Houston with our line of top-notch plumbing services. Get in touch with us today, and we’ll help you make your home more water-efficient!